
The trials and tribulations of yarn

Wow... time may not fly, per se, but it does have a way of deceiving you about how much there is. Sneaky. Aren't they adorable? It's the two most importance men in my life and my little girl. Awww... I just had to share!

Anywho, one more week of finals (ahhhh, studying!) and then onto the hectic Christmas/work/knitting/sleeping. Awful, hey?

I finally made it into Ravelery and let me tell you, it's almost as addicting as fluffly merino roving. Or something else similary soft. I can't tear myself off of it, not to study, spend time with hubby, sleep, eat... you know, all those unimportant things.

I've been entranced by homespun yarn lately (how can you not be?) and I decided that instead of spending oodles of money I don't have on it, I would teach myself. I must say, it's less frustrating than teaching myself how to knit. And it's so wonderful to play with the different fibers and colors. *sigh* Now if I only had more time. I would love to get my own lazy kate instead of using cardboard tubes and anything else available to hold my yarn, but it turns out that "real" spinning supplies are uber expensive after all. I can make do...

This is some of my first handspun. It's a beautiful blue corridale wool from Hello Yarn. I'm a little too in love with it though- I won't knit it because it looks better in a skein. Is that weird? I think that's a little weird. Hmm.... as for the next picture, this is some very coarse pencil roving that I found at the Yarn Hous... It's easy to spin because there's no predrafting but I don't really know what to make with it. It's rough enough to make shoes. Suggestions?

I'm also back in the conundrum of Christmas knitting projects. After attempting to overachieve the last two years, I've decided that I've been spending way too much time knitting for other people and not enough knitting for myself. Egocentric? Yes. Important? No.

However, I am going to make a hat for one of my fellow fiber-aficiando friends, although I don't think I should post about it on the offchance she decide to read this soon. Hey, it could happen. I just don't like making something that everyone else is making. I really enjoy experimenting and making up my own patterns, although I usually start with someone else's and just modify the heck out of it. But she saw the picture, said, "OOOOOOhhhh, I LOVE that," and so now I'm stuck. I think I'll use some yummy malabrigo. She'll appreciate that.

Anywho, I'm off to make myself loverly. It's date night, and my hubby and I are celebrating my almost done with school-ness. Mmmm, break....

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