

I have... approximately fifteen minutes to write before I continue on to two more hours of my high school career. Two hours less... I can live with that.
School has become very BLASÉ (this is one of those instances where I felt the need to capitalize. Contrary to internet etiquette, I am NOT shouting. Just emphasizing without bolding or italicizing. The English language needs to find a new way to instigate methods of emphasis in writing. The ones we have now are becoming repetitive and boring). I am increasingly beginning to find and appreciate the wonderful contributions of the French to the English language. I am also beginning to deplore the lack of use of such wonderful words. How could people overlook these magnificent donations?
I'm really not going anywhere with this, so I'm going to just post it and get it over with. I'm not in my natural milieu right now, so I'm having difficulty concentrating on anything.


Procrastination of a Dismal Sort

Soooo here I have this wonderful blog, and I've never really used it. I have, however, found some other very interesting blogs while not writing in my own. I used to be rather ingenious and spontaneous... I even had my own online journal.
The advent of "90-day-periods" of time in which activity must take place promptly put an end to that facade... (by the way, ellipses are my thing...) I had an extremely diverse and interesting journal... I even had a following! But that's all lost now.
So, when I remember (which I usually don't), and when I feel like it (which I also usually don't), I might even grace this pathetic attempt at sharing my well-thought-out and enlightening viewpoints with the world. Who knows? Someone might actually read what I have to say.
At this particular moment in time, I have decided to write said blog to avoid writing a paper. Said paper was actually due today, but such a fact is inconsequential.
Do you ever write a word and feel like it should be all capitals, but not capitalize it because it's now considered overexcessive and impolite? Or is that by chance just me?
Anywho... ah yes, said paper. Said paper is on poetry. Now I myself am a poetry "fan." I even enjoy it from time to time. But why would analyzing it bring me any closer to self-understanding and the fufillment of a life of studying to achieve whatever "goal" I have in my life?
Yeah, I don't care either. By the one, one more sidenote... I write oddly. I use big words and psychotic phrasing. Deal with it. However, this unfortunate tendancy of mine has resulted in accusations of plagiarism. Teachers (yes, I still have to deal with the responsibility of reassuring someone else that they are not wasting their life by teaching me what they know on any particular subject) are extremely shortsighted in most matters. Because they do not bother to actually involve me (during class- you know, class participation?) in any of this "learning," they feel I am not of the smaller percentage of the population that is capable of listening, learning, or writing things that are remotely comprehendible.
My most recent teacher told me that I wrote papers the way text books were written sixty years ago. And I received the feeling that he meant this in a negative manner.
I wonder if this is true? I don't read text books from sixty years ago, and to my recollection, I never have. Older text books, yes. More recent ones, yes. But sixty years? .... Nope.
As you may (or more likely, may not have) gathered from all this incoherent blather, I am still subjected to the daily rituals of high school hell. But ah ha! I shall soon be free!