
The evitable inevitable

Well, I had to go and sprain my arm. The timing couldn't have been less perfect if I had tried. Tried really really hard. Anywho, it's in a splint for now. And unless I hear otherwise from the person who reads the x-rays tomorrow, it's just a bad sprain. Ow.

So no more knitting, very little typing, difficulty driving, eating, getting dressed, and basically everything that involves my right hand. Which is everything. Because I am right-handed. Spiffy, hey?

This doesn't explain, however, why I am here. Online. Typing. I can't rationalize it because my wrist hurts like yeah, my homework's not done, and my hubby is peacefully snoring away in our warm and cozy bed. I'd give anything to be able to go to bed at 10:30 every night. Lucky bastard. I keep planning on posting all these really fun pictures I have of everything, but alas, 'tis too much work and I seriously lack motivation. I just want to blather mindlessly on about my life right now.

I can't believe how frusterating it is to be in a situation where I feel isolated. I have absolutely no one that is also female, approximately my age, married, and still finishing up their undergrad degree. They are either preggers or gradumated. It's hard to bitch about married life to someone who's not married. They don't understand and trust me, they don't want to know. Alas.... a conundrum. How to make friends with people that don't exist? Hmmm...

For now, I'll survive. And the next post will bring fun pictures of random stuff. Yay, stuff!

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