
A Year in One Post

Wow... well, I've managed not to write anything for well over a year. I feel like I've accomplished a lot so I feel alright about procrastinating blog-wise for so long. This lovely beast is Chy, a friend we met while spending a week in Texas visiting relatives. They have the slimiest tongues. I love it!

I've graduated from college (a semester early) magna cum laude, celebrated more than one year of marriage (two in June), and gotten a new job. I'm currently ecstatic about moving into a real house soon... although the house is yet to be found. I've also applied to grad school, so fingers crossed!

Progress has been made in the lovely and crazy world of knitting too. Although knitting has definitely had less devoted time this year, I'm very proud of some of the things I've made. I'm also on a bit of a hat/shawl/scarf kick that I feel is going to continue for some time. There will be no promises about stash usage, but the amount of yarn purchased this year has also been significantly less and I've found some wonderful yarn hiding in the strangest places. Now I just have to figure out why I put it there!

The projects I'm most excited about are always the ones I haven't started yet, either from lack of time or fear that I'll ruin some absolutely fantastic yarn, but I'm trying to involve more color. My current job requires that I wear certain colors and before I realized it... they sort of ate my entire wardrobe. There wasn't really any thing bright, happy, or colorful at all. My answer? Scarves! I've actually been wearing them for the last two years now (yes... BEFORE they were a trend) and I plan on wearing them the rest of my life. But the possibilities! Colors, patterns, textures are all beckoning and I've never been good at resisting soft and pretty things, hence knitting. Anywho... yay blue and yellow yarn!

I have the feeling (call it a premonition) that the next, oh, five or so months are going to be absolutely crazy but I'm hoping to finally start to settle down and figure out how to make a career out of a field that barely exists yet. Surprise... the real world sucks. And no, not just the old reality show.

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